Experiments ยป

The Experiments Node is used to add, delete and rename the experimental sets. An experimental set is defined as a single experiment, which may have multiple measurement points.
In this node, there is also a Design Variables grid, where you may select the variables that are used to design the experiments.

Grid Views


Grid Views

Description of Experimental Design

{i} Design Variables

Description of Experimental Design

This grid is used to add, delete, rename and include the experimental sets, and is organized as follows:
  • Include column: This column is used to include the set in the Estimation. At least one set must be included.
  • Set Name column: It displays the list of sets. Here, you may add, delete and rename the sets. This is a Special Syntax column.
  • Design Variable Names column: The list of design variables are displayed in the next columns. If no design variables are specified in the Design Variables grid of this node, these columns will not be shown. For each design variable, you may enter the nominal value for the set. Entering these values is optional as it is intended for documentation purposes only.
  • Mark column: You may mark the sets for copying or deletion.This is convenient when you want to delete more than one set at once.
To change the ordering of the sets, click on the row header and move the row to another position. For more information on this, please visit the Frequently Asked Questions section.

Adding a Set

You may add a new set by going to the last row and entering the name of the desired set. The row will change to edit mode and you may save this new set with the <ENTER> key or by clicking on the pencil icon in the row header. This set will now be part of the Project.

Deleting a Set

There are two ways to delete a compound:
  • Directly: You may delete a set by selecting the set row and using the <DELETE> key. A confirmation message box appears. On clicking OK, the set is deleted.
  • Mark and Delete: See Delete Marked Sets under actions.

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{i} Design Variables

This is a documentation-only grid, and is only used to select the variables that are needed to document the design of the experiments. To include a variable, click on its corresponding check box. After including the variables here, you may enter their design values in the Description of Experimental Design grid.

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Add Sets

Delete Marked Sets

Copy Marked Sets

Quick Run

Open Solver

Add Sets

This action is used to add one or more sets at the same time.

Delete Marked Sets

This action is used to delete more than one set at the same time.
  1. Select the sets you wish to delete by checking the Mark column for these sets.
  2. Execute the Delete Marked Sets action.

Copy Marked Sets

This action is used to copy one or more sets.
  1. Select the sets you wish to copy by checking the Mark column for these sets.
  2. Execute the Copy Marked Sets action.
  3. The new sets are created with names that include a "Copy-" prefix to the original name and a numeric postfix. For example, if set1 is copied, the copy would be named as Copy-set1-1.

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See Also: